Ice Cannons

Ice Cannons, commonly known as party cannons or confetti cannons, are an exciting add-on to all birthday and party celebrations. These can also be complemented with Ice fountains and other form of sparklers (Ice Sparklers) and glow products (Ice Glows).

In short, it is a cylindrical tube that ejects confetti foil or paper, usually powered by pulling a string or twisting the base of the tube. Our Ice Cannons come in two ranges – pull string cannons or compressed air twist action confetti cannons. Our premium and most successful selling products are the latter and come in a varied colour range – purple, red, green, blue, gold and silver.

These non-pyrotechnic products are safe for both indoor and outdoor use. They can be used at many different locations and occasions like weddings, birthday parties and most importantly New Year parties and other festive events.

Like our Ice Fountains, they have slowly become an industry norm, where very many bars and night clubs have added them to their party night events. Should you not be using our products within your venues or locations, please visit our online shop to see our varied product range.

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